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To be a Body Language expert – What do I have to do?

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A lot of people ask me what it takes to be a body language expert in nonverbal behavior analysis. So I decided to update, in 2021, this text that I initially wrote in 2013, when I had been guiding people in this area for years.

At the end of the article, I show you a checklist of twelve actions you need to take to be a body language expert. However, until you get there, keep the following question in mind:

The right question to ask is, What do I really want to achieve by being a body language expert?

The answer to that first question will guide you through the next steps. You may find in yourself a desire, for example, to be a digital influencer or stand upper. Regardless of any orientation, your success comes from understanding what you really want!


There is a level of analysis that we all already perform.

With regard to this, the first important aspect is to understand that the analysis of non-verbal behavior can be carried out on several levels. A mother can observe her child’s body language and notice that something different is happening.

From this point of view, any human being, in some way, can be considered a behavior analyst [expert].

However, to become an expert, a solid technical foundation is necessary. I don’t conceive how anyone can be a technical expert in behavioral analysis (of any kind) without a background in Psychology.


Body Language Specialist

So, to understand psychological processes, you will need a little more than reading a few books….

Never forget that people have read the same books as you, title of an article I wrote in 2014. So don’t think you’re the only one who knows the techniques….

In addition, specific learning is needed in scientific studies that deal with the analysis of body language. Otherwise, anyone can become easy prey for the multitude of crazy things that appear out there, dressed up in revolutionary techniques to analyze behavior and achieve results.

Finally, the solid theoretical foundation must be applied in practice, when the analyst will develop observation skills and improve his perception.

No one becomes an expert in body language analysis overnight. Patience, perseverance and dedication are required to reach levels of excellence.


The trainings and the promises out there…

I’m amazed at how anyone calls themselves an “expert” without showing any solid credentials (such as degrees from reputable universities and work in the field). There are people who copy some articles (I myself have had parts of my Portal copied a few times by profiteers) and write books (which are disguised copies of others) and are already “experts”…. Who can understand that?

What worries me most is the irresponsibility of these people who teach mythological knowledge, for example, how to identify lying by eye movement or that 93% of communication is non-verbal. This, in the end, will bring harm to the person who employs it.

The reality is that no online course will turn you into an expert…. Anyone who promises such a thing is lying! To become an expert, you will need to spend a lot of time studying and training. What a course can do is open the door to that knowledge for you and guide you in which direction to take. That’s what I do in my courses, I’m always very honest with my students about the requirements for analyzing human behavior.

I’m even more impressed that people interested in this training (related to lie detection, for example) fall for these fibs and pay for expensive training, just because someone has a good public speaking and knows how to sell and their fish….

All it takes is a more careful analysis (what you who want to be an expert will have to do for the rest of your life) to see that there is no depth to teaching. Think about it!


Skills you must develop to be a Body Language Expert

That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the skills to be developed to become an expert in behavior analysis:

  • technical knowledge about verbal and non-verbal behavior;
  • advanced skills in behavior observation;
  • good memory, as many of the analyses are carried out without the support of videos or photos and during interactions.

It is important to highlight that these skills are developed throughout professional practice.


I got it, but what can I do, and where do I start? See the Checklist – 12 actions

Objectively, my advice is:


Start with a basic course on micro expressions and emotions or lying signs; So you get closer and better understand the topic and, mainly, start interacting with a senior specialist who knows the market, the problems and has experience in the subject. In these courses, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and clear up doubts. Then you get to know the profession.

2Evaluate, seriously, if the person who maintains those courses has a solid background to teach and guide you. See your career, and your results over a lifetime;

3Don’t be fooled by promises of international certifications. It is very different to have a certification from MIT or Harvard compared to an unknown degree offered among two other international certifications, taking just one course….

4Check if the person is an auto proclaimed specialist. Where does the “authority” to teach you come from? What universities did she/he study at? How long did her/his main jobs last? Does the environment and the activity she performs allow her to continue training and developing her own skills?

5Many international body language teaching companies are offering certification because they realize it’s a popular product, and it generates revenue. There’s no problem with that, but promising lack-of-depth expertise shows the mind game these companies often play. Consider this aspect carefully.

6Someone takes an online exercises course and earns a “certification”. Afterward, no one checks what course the person took and what level of dexterity he achieved. Take a two-hour online course, clicking on exercises that no one will check out, to tell a fib? Because it’s just a marketing strategy… Don’t go there.

7 For example, Dr. Ekman is elderly and no one has taken a course with him for a while. I had the opportunity to meet him in person in 2014 and, at that time, he no longer supervised postdocs, which was the subject I talked to him about, nor did he teach courses anymore.

8Above all, reflect that if you want to be an expert, you need a lot of depth in behavioral analysis. That’s what you should be looking for;


Consider investing your resources in a few hours of mentoring with professionals recognized for their competence in analyzing body language. Once again, evaluate the career of this professional. Which of them really put the “donkey in the shade”? This is the person who can guide you on what to do in your specific case.

10Don’t be impressed by digital influencers. There is a lot of fantasy amidst the massive success of anything or anyone. There is a technique of projecting an imaginary power to create real power (this doesn’t always work). The Eike Batista case is there for anyone who wants to analyze how someone influences others without having the slightest base. The image projection by the number of admirers or followers is a strategy of influence by authority. So watch this.

11Analyzing the behavior of celebrities, politicians and athletes on the Internet serves as entertainment and that’s how I understand this type of content. It is consumed by people who want to be entertained. Real analysis doesn’t fit for entertainment.

12We finish with the initial reflection of the article. The first right question to ask is, What do I really want to achieve by being a body language expert? The answer to this first question will guide the next steps to follow. You might find that you really want to be a digital influencer or stand upper. Your success depends on understanding what you really want!


Final ideas about being a Body Language Expert

It is very important to understand that there is a level of analysis that can be developed by anyone. This level of expertise enables someone to better understand the interactions with others. This level of expertise will not make that person an expert in analyzing non-verbal behavior, but it will have many benefits in her/his life.

Most people will be skilled in body language interpretation. They will carry out simpler analyzes, usually related to everyday situations or with some specifics, such as lying, for example.

In my opinion, those who wish to work as specialists should seek the proper technical training. There are techniques for observing and analyzing human behavior. It is necessary to learn this.

My best

Sergio Senna

Keep following us up. My best

Sergio Senna

4 thoughts on “To be a Body Language expert – What do I have to do?”

  1. Hi loved reading the above information. I feel that this body language course is best done in a class room . Am i wrong here ? I work inside a prison but want to expand my knowledge and advance my career be it with the prison or another direction. I like in Perth Western Australia and would like some help finding the correct people to engage with…. can you help.? Dean Heard . thanks if you can

  2. I have been a professional Recruiter for 27 years. I interview and talk with/meet people daily for a profession. In addition, I’m a huge empath. I 100% relate to watching politics, movies, shows about relationships… the “entertaining” part for me is not generally the “plot” of the show- I figure that out quickly. The “entertaining” part for me is paying attention to body language, tone, words, do they get splotchy when they are uncomfortable or lying. When people answer with a a question, or repeat the question before answering, where they look, how they dress, act, I “psychoanalyze” every character/person to UNDERSTAND; not “judge”. I OBSERVE without ill intentions. With live humans I observe to build deeper connections/come from a place of understanding…

    Would it be possible to get a few mentoring sessions from YOU? 🙂 You are expert. If I don’t ask, you don’t receive! Or possibly a virtual informational session? I’m willing to pay.

  3. This is such great information; I really enjoyed reading all of it. Are you currently offering any courses? I’m interested in taking courses whether it’s online or in person.
    Thank you in advance for your time
    Jeanette Juarez

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